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Crochet Designer Interview – Ganchigurumi + Free doll keychain PDF pattern

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There is something really amazing when you explore the crochet and knitting world, not only old granny crochet, but you can find a lot of young women, kids, or even young men who crochet! In Cocrochet tour – Crochet designer interview today, I have an opportunity to chat with one of my favorite male amigurumi designers – Fernando from Ganchigurumi. Fernando is a young fellow from the South of Spain, who makes crochet and really loves to create beautiful and articulated dolls. His works are too adorable to miss, with full of vibrant and fabulous dolls to make!

Gratefully, at the end of the interview, Fernando has a cute, small doll keychain for us as a special gift from him!

amigurumi crochet designer interview ganchigurumi

The interview is inside 2021 COCROCHET TOUR – a year-long Amigurumi Designer Interviews, that will feature 12 famous amigurumi designers, listen to their unique success stories, and have the wonderful gifts from them. You can read more about CoCrochet Tour and other interesting events in 2021 here.

2021 Designer interviews
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A sneak peek video about the interview, click play to watch! Follow my Youtube Channel for free amigurumi tutorials and many interesting videos

 1. Please, tell us a little about yourself and your designs.

My name is Fernando and I am a boy who crochets and designs cute and articulated dolls, everything inspired by Japanese culture and folklore. Manga and anime are a huge source of inspiration, but Disney too.

2. How long have you been crocheting?

I started crocheting in May of 2015, so almost 6 years ago. I learned from my mom to make granny squares for a blanket, but soon I saw an amigurumi on the net and knew I needed to learn how to make that. From that time, all my efforts and researches were focused on learning how to design my own dolls. And got it!

3. Why crochet? What is it that interests you?

I don’t really know, in fact. I felt an interest in learning crochet when I saw my mother doing so. I didn’t have too much to do at that time, so why not? I guess like most people, once I took a hook and saw myself capable of anything, I couldn’t stop!

cupid crocheted doll by ganchigurumi
ganchigurumi crochet doll
ganchigurumi crochet doll

4. Where do you usually get inspiration from for your designs?

As I said before, Japan and Disney are my main source of inspiration. Kawaii aesthetics really touches me so I try to reproduce those big heads and eyes, but also the hair and so on. Of course, cartoons and characters for the children (and adults too) are perfect to recreate into dolls with my own style.

5. Tell us about your happiest moment since you became an amigurumi designer?

I think every new doll is a happiest moment until the next one. 😛 Every time I finish a design and get the doll I had in mind, I feel happy and proud, and that’s the better part of this.

free doll head keychain amigurumi crochet pattern for beginners
Please help me to share by pinning! Thank you

6. What is the most struggle that you have faced during your design career?

Absolutely, the realistic doll shape. I’ve always wanted to make a doll like that, and never felt prepared. Once I learned and controlled my skills, I started designing a realistic shape, but it’s not that easy, and shapes really try to escape from my control. Lol But I’m finally happy with the result, even though I’m still smoothening it.

7. How did you start to be a professional designer and treat the hobby as a business?

I don’t think so and every person is different. I don’t feel professional designer because I think I have so much to learn yet. It also depends on each one’s situation in life.

8. What is your strategy to grow a design business? How did you start to promote yourself and which platform?

I started on Facebook because at that time I didn’t know so much about Instagram, but now I really prefer Instagram. In the beginning, being known and making people see me were really tough. I think all of us have struggled with hashtags and the algorithm, so you can imagine. There are too many hours of “computer working” behind that and you need to be prepared for this if you want to grow.

ganchigurumi crochet doll
ganchigurumi crochet doll
ganchigurumi crochet doll

9. I saw that you have tons of followers on Instagram, what you think is the main factor that leads to your success today?

Well, as I said before, hashtags are a must for Instagram. If you really want to be shown by the algorithm, you need to choose the hashtags well. That’s why I suggest to make a list (a really huge list) with the hashtags you may use. Use them wisely, according to the pic you are showing and with the proper relevance. Avoid hashtags that are used by millions of people or in a generic sense just for follow or for like. It’s difficult to explain all of this in just a few words, but I hope you can get the point. Of course, that’s only my opinion from my personal experience, but who knows. 😉

10.  You are famous right now, but I know that it would be a long story behind with all the effort and of course, luck! What is your advice for people who want to be a designer and live with a career?

I don’t think I am famous, there is a lot of work yet to be made and a long way to go. That’s why I’m not sure what to say here because I didn’t find yet what’s the better way to live with a career. However, to become a designer, I can tell practice and perseverance are the clues: never stop trying and learning new things and techniques to improve.

Well, great crochet designer interview, do you think the same? Comment below and let me know!

In case you are new to amigurumi, check my Ultimate guide to amigurumi for beginners to learn from scratch this beautiful art!


free doll head keychain amigurumi crochet pattern for beginners
Save the pin to crochet later!

Thanks to Fernando, a pretty and easy-to-make doll head keychain is here for you to download! By signing up for my Free Vault, you will find the pattern and other printables there!

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Now have fun!

Thank you for reading and see you next month in EPS 05 of COCROCHET TOUR 2021!


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Feel free to share your work with me and other crocheters inside my Facebook Group to tag me @anvisgranny anytime you post your photo on social media.

Comment below and tell me what you like most about this post, and if you want, suggest for me what I should write about! Love you all, my yarn buddies!

From Joy with love!

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